Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Proof! - Omega 3 does work miracles

To the claims made for Omega 3, can be added the story of Bryan Henderson of Telford, Shropshire, England, who asserts that discovery of the dietary supplements has changed his life. "Before I started taking the tablets, I was always depressed and I visited my doctor so often, I had my own coffee cup with my name on it in his consulting room. Since I became aware of the properties of Omega 3 and started taking a daily dose my life has been transformed. I shed over 20 pounds in weight in the first three weeks; my wife moved back in to the family home and my kids are no longer ashamed to walk on the same side of the street as me. My halitosis has all but disappeared and the strange rash I have been treated for for over 20 years seems to be clearing up nicely. Strangest of all, my left leg, which I lost back in '83 in a boating accident, has grown back and I played soccer recently for the first time in twenty years".

Over the pond in America, Wendle Speers, of Kentucky is equally impressed by the efficaciousness of the wonder supplement. "My mother has been eating raw fish for over 50 years and thanks to the health giving properties of the Omega 3 contained in the oily fish, she is now over 120 years old. Although my sister and I have not been able to travel to Texas to see her for the last 30 years, she writes to me every week from the $4000 a month retirement home where she has lived since 1976. Her writing, if anything, looks like the writing of a 40 year old (further proof of her sound condition) and the owner of the home insists she is in the very best of health when we ring him at the end of every financial year. The only drawback is that because she is so active, she always tends to be out when we call and so the staff say she cannot come to the phone".

Next week: How Omega 3 helped Italy win the Soccer World Cup in Germany earlier this year.

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